Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Making of a Nerd

Today Avril crawled!! With the right motivation, you can do anything! And for Avril, that motivation is a calculator :) Yep, we're raising a nerd! She also crawled to grab the computer and the camera... so pretty much anything electronic will do! Here she is:


Karen said...

ADORABLE!!! She is already a pro! Nerds are the best!!! :)

Aubrey Jane said...

So cute! And she is so obedient, when you tell her to look at you she does and when you told her to smile she did! What a good baby:)

Kristy said...
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Kristy said...

Whoo-Hoo go Avril, you are such a smarty!!! Alicia now you are in for it; good luck with the baby proofing :) miss ya!

Anonymous said...

Fantastic! Its these moments that make the heart swoon.