Thursday, October 15, 2009

Halloween Shopping!!

So I am way excited for Halloween this year. We have 2 cute Halloween costumes already for Avril and I just decided what Jesse and I are going to dress up as. I'm not going to say yet, cuz I'm not positive it will work and it's a surprise!!
We went to the thrift stores with my mom and had such a great time looking for costumes. It was a huge success! We had so much fun. We also found this cute little Shrek outfit for Avril:

She's already getting too big for most of her clothes and we're starting to run out!! I NEVER thought that would happen! She just grows so fast!

Here is Avril looking all cute and ready to spend the day shopping with mommy and grandma.

...and looking cute once again in the car ride :)
Thanks grandma! We had a blast!! We love you!!


Britney & Bob said...

She is so cute!! Is the shreck outfit her Halloween costume? OH, go look at my blog about the baby doll and see what Bob dressed Hannalee in for the day. He claimed that it matched. Are all men color blind? :0)