Friday, October 30, 2009

Amy's Baby Shower!!

My good friend Amy Rapp is about to pop! She is due on November 20th but that baby girl is getting ready to come out any day now. Amy was already dilated to 3 cm and 70% effaced at the time we had this baby shower. I was just hoping she wouldn't go in to labor before or during the event.
I have never thrown a baby shower for someone before so I was very excited to have one for Amy. Ina and her mom helped me out... and it turned out to be a great time!

Here are some of the decorations... the diaper cake was made by Ina's mom and Ina helped. I made the baby cupcakes (with help from my mom-in-law, Carme). The bread at Macy's you can get made in different colors, so we chose pink of course and had cute little pink chicken sandwiches! There was also a chocolate fountain with yummy strawberries to dip! Mmmm....

Avril enjoyed her chocolate strawberry. Mommy helped her eat it :)

These are my absolute FAVORITE pics!! There was a little 4 month old baby boy who Avril just couldn't get enough of... he seemed to have had enough of her though! Hahaha, I LOVE his facial expressions! Poor guy... Avril is a little too forward, we haven't taught her that some boys don't like being bitten in the face!

Lots of fun guests...

Looks like Avril wasn't the only one to enjoy that chocolate! This little girl was so cute... she would follow Avril around and pet her cheeks. It was just adorable!

Jesse works with Amy at the hospital so there were several of his coworkers at the shower. He told me to make Avril look cute since they would be meeting her for the first time. I think we did a good job following his instructions. :)

Lots of great presents for Baby Girl Rapp!!

Good Times!!


Aubrey Jane said...

HAHA, the pic of Avril bitting/kissing the other baby on the face cracked me up, lol.

Cory & Rebeca said...

what a fun shower you girls threw, I didn't know you had a blog. btw, LOVE the pictures of Avril in the pumpkin!

Lindsay said...

Wow...looks like it turned out fun!

Kristy said...

Oh my gosh, the pic of Avril biting that little boy is adorable!!! I can't get over how cute she is!