Sunday, October 25, 2009

Our Lil' Punkin!

Grandma Carme helped us carve this pumpkin out yesterday, and today I cut some leg-holes out for our lil' punkin' head. Avril was surprisingly compliant. She had a great time, mainly because she found out that her ensemble was edible and started sucking on the pumpkin and even got a good chunk of it to break off in her mouth! We had to get her to stop sucking long enough to take a picture. The only problem with this clever outfit is getting the baby out, we found. She started crying because we couldn't maneuver her out as easily as we had plopped her in. We had some friends over watching the Vikings game (boo hoo, sad game) and it took a whole team of us to get her legs out. Must be those chunky thighs :)


Kinda like a slimier Bumbo!

My punkin' model pose...


trevor and keesa said...

oh my goodess alicia!!! that is hilarious:) I bet she was so ticked when you tried to get her out!

Lindsay said...

How funny! :) she is a cutie

Britney & Bob said...

That is the cutes costume ever! I love those pictures!

Erka said...

That is so clever! I am going to remember this when I have another child! Avril looks soooooo cute!!!

Kristy said...

Oh she is so cute, what a great idea!