Sunday, October 11, 2009

I Didn't Marry Him for his Fashion Sense...

Avril will either be really embarrassed or get a good laugh out of this picture someday. So I was out with a friend at the store and Jesse was watching Avril at home. He called and said he had to go to football practice so I should meet him there to pick up Avril. These were my words: "OK, well make sure she is wearing warm clothes and a hat." I busted up laughing when I saw how he'd taken my advice...

Avril in her pajamas with a Christmas sweater over them, and a mini blue jean skirt (this is supposed to keep her warm). The pajamas have little sheep on them... nice match, huh? Oh dear, my poor child. The funniest part was that when I pointed out the hilarious outfit all his football buddies said they didn't even notice!! Boys...

Avril bonding with daddy watching football...

Hmmm... what trouble can I get in to around here?

Yippee! They're having a sale on shampoo!


Lindsay said...

My husband has done similar...he would put Jaren's clothes on backwards and not notice til I laughed my head off. Boys are silly!

Robert and Kristen said...

It must be a man thing! Robert does the same thing!

Karen said...

Oh my goodness! That is hilarious! Oh Jesse! I love all the cute pictures!! ... i don't have a husband or kids to compare to.. lol

Aubrey Jane said...

LOL, that is too funny! At least she was warm right?

Britney & Bob said...

I can't believe she is crawling already! You have trouble now. :0) Also, it is so a guy fashion thing. Bob has no idea how to match colors.

Erka said...

That was so funny! It really made me laugh!