Sunday, March 29, 2009

Logan Stampede #11 YARDER

My husband is #11, notice the spelling of YARGER on his jersey. Oopsies- they changed it to YARDER, maybe cuz he gets so many yards? I think they're working on making him a new jersey with the correct spelling.

This post I get to brag about my husband, hopefully he won't be mad at me. Who am I kidding, Jesse never gets mad at me! :) Saturday was his first football game. They played in Woodscross, UT and they won, 20-12!! Jesse made the final touchdown for the Logan Stampede. If you are wondering what the Logan Stampede is... I copied this from their website:

The Logan Stampede is a semi-pro football team. Our goal is to allow those with passion to play football to continue to play as well as bringing entertainment and service to the local community. The Logan Stampede plays in the Rocky Mountain Football League which consists of teams from Utah, Idaho and Montana. We look forward to having a great season!

Here is the article from the local paper- The Herald Journal:

Notice Jesse Yarger is mentioned :) At least they spelled it right here. Go #11 !!!!

Jesse's touchdown sequence. I couldn't be prouder. He says he scored it for his girls- me and Avril.

Grandpa Bryan drove down with Jesse and Shelby to watch the game. Unfortunately, mommy had to stay at home with the little one who was VERY fussy that day. She must've been mad we didn't take her to watch her daddy play.

I think he looks good with black make up on :)

#11... my hubby

I guess Shelby fell asleep here. Jesse thought it was funny.

Uncle Chubbs, Avril and me. Shelby has gotten pretty good at getting Avril to stop crying. We may be offering him babysitting opportunities in the future.

After the game... poor Jesse was walking just like I did after giving birth.

Uncle Chubbs and Sleeping Beauty

We also had some surprise visitors yesterday... my cousin Robert Crockett and his lovely family drove up from Ogden since it was our grandma's birthday. Such a cute family!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a jam packed day! Congrats Jesse! And Uncle Chubbs is doing a great job. Anything to get the kid to stop crying!

Robert and Kristen said...

Nice camera work on the TD! And thanks for the shout out.


Barbi Mecham said...

I think it is awesome you are playing football! Good for you! Hope all is well. What a beautiful little baby you have!