Tuesday, March 10, 2009

13 Days Old- Photo Shoot

We had some newborn pics taken. You can see a sneak peek at Jeremi Broadhurst's Blog:



Lindsey said...

I'm seriously speechless....
Absolutely PERFECT!!!

The Brandt Family said...

HOly cow! She is soo cute! Where the world have I been-I didn't even realize there were pics of her at all since she has been here! She is beautiful-congrats to the new mommy and daddy:)

Lindi said...

WOW What great pictures!!! Your photographer did amazing. You will be so glad you got those pictures. SO PRECIOUS

Kristy said...

How funny, I just posted Cali's first photo shoot on our blog, only difference is her's was conducted by a three year old :)

Anyway, Avril is so cute! Your photographer did a great job!
