Monday, March 23, 2009

Avril's First Social Event!

Usually Avril's time is spent sleeping, eating, dirtying diapers, and crying at home. On Saturday we decided to get out of the house and take her to her first social event, held in her honor! And for this social event we ventured all the way.... next door!!! :) The next door neighbors hosted a post-birth baby shower for Avril so we got to show her off to all of our friends. It was so beautiful and we had a great time visiting with everyone. Thank you Alycia (I didn't misspell my name, that is Alycia King Rickords) for all your hard work, it turned out amazing :)

We had so much fun dressing up Avril in her cute little Old Navy outfit. This was a gift from Aunty Amy. Usually Avril just wears her sleepers around the house but since this was a super special occasion we got to dress her up in her adorable new clothes. Yes, the shoes were slightly too big, but cute nonetheless.

Alycia and Alicia- thanks again Alycia- you rock!!

We still needed a mattress and bedding for our crib... everyone chipped in to get us a group gift so now we have what we needed. Yay!

Diana King and Lindsay King Grover preparing the delicious baby shower food. They also helped put together the shower, along with Cheri Murdock and Janet Garn. Thank you so much!!

Janet Garn, preparing the yummy strawberries!

The exquisite table decorations and food :)

Old roomies reunite :) Britney and her beautiful blue-eyed Hannalee came. I was so excited to see them!

Mommy finally getting Avril to sleep...

The fantastic four! Finally we could all be at the same place at the same time for a pic. I love all these beautiful girls to pieces! Keesa is having a little one of her own soon... can't wait!!

Margaret, me, and the grandma.

Her shoes fell off... big surprise!


Andrew Cardon said...

Look like a fun time - she looks cute all dressed up (and she looks like she has a lot of hair for such a young baby!)Brittney's baby girl looks really cute too - If you get a chance tell her I said hi to I haven't seen her forever!

Anonymous said...

Avril is a doll! It looks like it was a great event and Alicia, you look amazing!

trevor and keesa said...

I can't believe how freakin' huge I look!! :) It was so fun to get all of us back's been over a year!

Lindi said...

What a great party!! Glad Avril was able to have her first party. That was fun to see Britney. Her daughter is a cutie pie.

mandy said...

She is so adorable!!

Lindsay said...

It was fun. Wish I could have stayed longer! :)