Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Grandma Parkinson's BDay!!

Amidst all the baby excitement, Grandma Parkinson had a birthday!! She celebrated her 60th bday today. Doesn't she look fabulous for turning 60?

Beautiful birthday flowers brought over by the great grandma and grandpa Parkinson. I think they are orchids? Gorgeous...

Great grandma, Grandma, Mommy, and baby Avril :)

Aaawww, Great grandma is such a natural with babies...

Uncle Jared, the birthday Grandma, and little Avril singing happy birthday!

So cute!
Happy Birthday Grandma. We all love you sooooooooooo much!


The Stanley Scoop said...

Alicia!!!! She is so cute! I can't wait to meet her. I think we are going to Logan in April. I am so happy for you.