Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Happy One Month to Avril

She is just so stinkin cute, I keep taking pictures...can't help myself!! Today Avril has officially been outside of my womb one whole month. Wow! Time sure does fly. This is why I can't have more kids... time will go even faster. We love having this little girl in our family. She is such a joy. We love you Avril Carmel Yarger :)


Erka said...

Avril is really adorable, one of the cutest baby girls I have ever seen!

Karen said...

I can't believe she is already one month old! She is cute as ever! I love the picture of her and jesse sleeping!! you guys are such a cute family!

Blakely said...

Wow! One month already. She is so adorable!!!!!

Lindi said...

What great pictures you have taken. Thanks for sharing your beautiful daughter. Don't worry you will get sleep later.

Anonymous said...

She's so adorable!!! Glad to hear the time goes by quickly and isn't all about sleep deprivation.

Kristy said...

She is so cute!!! I love all her little baby faces :)