Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Guess Who?

My mom kept saying how much Avril looks like I did when I was a baby and pulled out the picture to prove it. Which one is Avril and which one is Mommy? Scroll down and check us out!

Top: Avril
Bottom: Alicia

Aren't we cute?


Erka said...

Yes, she's a brunette clone of you, Ali! I have to admitt, I was very impatient and finally gave in and checked your parents blog to see pictures of Avril! She's truly beautiful!
I hope you recover soon from the birth! It does get better, I promise!

Lindy Salmon said...

WOW! You gave birth to yourself :) She looks good.

Chelsie Sanders said...

She is adorable! And she does look just like you! Congrats!

Anonymous said...

Holy moley, you weren't kidding girl. That girl is YOU only younger. Are you sure Jesse was even involved in this process???

trevor and keesa said...

You two are identical! She is so adorable:) I can't believe I'm going to have one of those so soon!

Lindsay said...

Wow you do look lie the same! ;)

Kristy said...

She is so cute. She does look just like you. I hope your feeling good, and getting at least SOME sleep :)
