Thursday, July 5, 2012

4th of July

What a special treat, the girls got to stay up WAY past bed time to watch the fireworks!  So worth it though, to get to see them light up and make special memories with their loved ones.  We headed over to the parking lot at Lee's Marketplace, and let the girls participate in the pre-firework activities they had.  It was a gorgeous night out, and we had a blast.  :)

Brittney ran in to a couple of friends there, which made her happy.  You can see, she's just all lit up with excitement, just like a firework!  "Baby you're a firrrreeework, come on let your cooolors burst!"
McKel is celebrating the 4th in style!  She stole mommy's shades and pulls them off much better than I do!

Here is Avril gazing in to the sky!

The moon was so incredible that night.  You could see it slowly creep up over the mountain top.  In this shot its that bright circle below the firework.  Kind of takes your breath away.  What an amazingly beautiful universe we live in.  So glad we can appreciate seeing God's beautiful creations.
So there was this sweet little girl named Sierra, who instantly bonded with Avril.  Avril was a little small for climbing up the bouncey slidey thingy.  This girl befriended her and kept saying how soft and pretty Avril's hair is.  You can see in the pic she was enjoying playing with Avril's hair.  It was nice to have a little one put Avril under her wing, since mommy is a big people, and big people are not allowed on the bouncey slidey thingy :)
Avril patiently waiting her turn to go on the slide

A profile shot of my little sweetheart girl

She's so pretty :)

She looks so scared, with all the big kids around her!

Just added this photo cuz its so classic Avril.  She always makes this face :)

Papa loves spending time with his granddaughters.  Here they are, watching the fireworks.

And here is Auntie Arleen with adorable little McKel.  Haha, it is way past her bedtime and you can see she is a little unsure what to think of all the firework commotion.

So fun! Avril did not want the day to end, she was having a blast, as you can see.  What could be more fun than a bouncey slidey thingy?