Monday, July 9, 2012


For awhile there, we were the house of owies.  Avril always has an owie, just ask her... she'll be more than happy to tell you ALL about it, its one of her very favorite topics of conversation :)
Sunday night I watched my sweet little McKel take an atrocious spill!  I mean, when her face hit that concrete you could hear the loud smack, and watch the blood splatter on the cement driveway.  My heart literally skipped a beat.  I felt so helpless as I watched the pitter patter of her little feet running down the driveway only to encounter a large crack in the cement, resulting in her plummet and face plant moment.  Of course, she was crying and I went and comforted her.  But this resilient little girl just bounces right back to good spirits.  Within minutes, she was back on her feet and running all around again.  She amazes me.

This pic was taken the day after her spill, so her face is already healing up quite nicely, turning in to scabs.
As you can see, she is clearly tramatized :)
She has the most gregarious little personality.  Couldn't be any cuter!
The very next day, mommy decided it was her turn to get an owie.  I got off work and decided to go for a jog.  I only got a few blocks when a ferocious dog came at me and attacked me!  That is not a joke... well, okay he may not have been ferocious.  I discovered that the breed was a blue heeler.  It was a little grey thing, but it scared the bejeebies out of me!  He just got a couple good teeth marks in to my calf and drew a tiny bit of blood.  More it just bruised where he tugged at my skin. 
The pics don't do it justice.  I almost died! ;)

Good thing we are fast healers...even when attacked by a blue heeler... or tripping on your own little heal(er)...