Monday, June 25, 2012

Bike MS- My 2nd Century Ride

The Cache Valley Hospital sponsored a team to ride and help raise funds for MS Research.  My team consisted of an ER Doctor here at the hospital and his brother-in-law, and nephew.  We tried to stick together for the most part, which made the ride much more enjoyable.  I was so happy to make some new friends, and accomplish another Century bike ride.  Colin, Dr. Jewett's nephew, and I would try to find all the sprinklers along the way, and try to time it just right so we could get as much water soaking as possible.  It was hot as h--- opposite of heaven, that day, and we welcomed any form of coolness.  I decided that if I ever own a property on a race course route, I am going to be the nice citizen and turn my sprinklers on for all the racers.  Its the kind thing to do :)
Here are some pics from after the event:

Yay!  Finished!  Go me!  I get a medal... for winning... by winning finishing
Best part of finishing is seeing my girls at the end of the race!
Go team!!