Tuesday, April 5, 2011

GoodBye Home...

Finally we got everything all moved out of our house.  I am behind on updating the blog once again but moving is a really good excuse, right?  I took some pictures of Avril and McKel's room before we packed it all up, so I could remember how we decorated it.

The new family moved in the beginning of April and the girls and I went to go meet them.  Poor Avril was so confused when a stranger opened the door to her home.  She was so sad the whole time, especially when she saw that her room was different and there were other little kids there.  The new little girl, Kali, was so sweet though, she tried to share her teddy bear with Avril to make her feel better.  Avril and McKel are adjusting just great to staying at Nana and Papa's house.  I do worry about what will happen when we're so far away, in Alabama though...

I miss our home already.  We have so many fun memories there.  Most of Avril's life thus far has been spent there.  It makes me sad to say good bye.  Soon we'll make new memories in a new place, on a new adventure though... and let someone else make special memories of their own in that blessed home. 

This is Avril's big girl bed.  The sheets and quilt were made by a joint effort between Nana and Mommy.  Nana did most of the sewing, while Mommy picked out and bought the fabric and cut out the pieces.  I think it turned out just perfect!

A close up of the rag quilt
We got the girls matching cribs.  McKel never actually got to sleep in her crib... we've just been using the bassinet so far, but it sure does look cute!
McKel's crib
Avril's bed again
Changing area
And the rocking chair that I'm in love with