Monday, March 21, 2011


This little angel is such a joy.  I just had to grab the camera because I wanted to capture this moment.  I was getting Avril ready for bed and sat McKel down on the chair.  McKel was soooo happy and kept making happy noises.  Today she seriously laughed for a full 10 minutes.  It was the most precious thing.  She was laughing at her sister, who was dancing around the room and singing at the top of her lungs.  McKel thinks her sister is pretty hilarious.  I have never seen such a happy baby.  McKel's natural inclination when paid any attention to is to smile.  She is so happy all the time and I LOVE it!!  I LOVE YOU, BABY KEL KEL.

Her happiness is infectious.  It just makes my heart burst with joy.  I'm just feeling grateful for my family.  Good night my loves.


Rob & Emily Willardson Family said...

What a cutie! It is fun to see how your family is changing! What cute little girls!