Sunday, March 20, 2011

Disney On Ice

Nana and Papa got Avril a very special birthday present this year... tickets to see Disney on Ice!  We drove down to Salt Lake last weekend for the occasion.  The girls were VERY excited :)

This is one excited two year old!
We were surprised that McKel got so in to the show.  Her eyes were glued to the arena.  She LOVED it!!
Avril had never seen anything like it in all her two years.  She LOVED it too!!
Nana and McKel, so happy together :)
Couldn't get McKel to avert her eyes from the show, so only Mama is looking at the camera.
So fun!
Today I tried something new.  I have been baking a lot lately and have found that I really enjoy it.  I have never made any sort of bread or rolls from scratch before so I wanted to try.  I made the whole family (Yargers and Parkinsons) some delicious meat ball subs.  The subs and the sauce I made from scratch.  Everyone thought they were so tasty!  Well, everyone but Jesse who would not eat the meatballs, since he got food poisoning from meatballs last time he ate them.  Now he has a meatball aversion.  He missed out.
I'm so proud of my yummy subs.  So they don't look perfect, but they get eaten anyway, right?
Oh, and my mom and I made some scrumptious Heath bar cookies for her lesson at church today.  Mmmm...


Lindy Salmon said...

Look at your baking skills! You are ready to be a true southern woman :).