Saturday, March 19, 2011

Bless "Pliget"

Phew.  Kids both asleep.  Finally some alone time and I can play a little catch up on the blog.  I just have to write about the latest and greatest Avril funny that happened tonight.

So... I was rocking Avril before bed and helping her to say her prayers.  "Please bless dada at work, and please bless mama, and please bless Nana and Papa, etc. etc.... Name of Jesus, Amen!"  Then Avril laid her sweet head down on my shoulder for a minute, before popping it back up to say, "And please bless Pliget!!!"  (this is what she has decided to call McKel for some reason).  It made me just burst out laughing... and believe me, I needed a good laugh after the past several days.

The terrible two's have reared their ugly head and its taking its toll on mama.  Avril has never been much of a sleeper.  I gave up on her taking naps quite some time ago, and if Avril sleeps through the night its once in a blue moon.  Now that she is in a big girl bed she can get up as many times as she pleases.  And she pleases a LOT!  This, however, does not please mommy.  Last night it took me over 30 times of putting her down until she finally fell asleep.  Then she got up at 11:45 and came in to my bedroom crying.  This woke up McKel.  I think I put her back in bed another 30 times throughout the night.  Finally, around 3 am she went back to sleep.  Then, of course, I had to get McKel back to sleep since Avril's screaming tantrums had kept her up.  Around 4 am McKel fell back asleep.  You would think the kids would want to sleep in after being up through the wee hours of the night.  Nope!  Not my girls.  Avril came in around 7:30 (which actually is sleeping in for her, I guess, usually she's up before 7 am) and was asking for her chocolate bunny (chocolate milk).  I wish I could say this was a one time thing, but Avril has been doing this all week.  I have about reached my breaking point.  Being a mom is HARD!

But then... you get to experience things like this, that just bring a smile to your face:  Avril was feeling the hot air coming out of the vent from the heater.  She kept saying, "its hot!  its hot!  Don't touch it, its hot!"  Then she says, "you have to blow on it!  You have to blow on it!" as she proceeds to blow little puffs of air in to the vent (as she does when blowing on her food that is too hot before putting it in her mouth).

And you get to experience things like this:  McKel was lying on the floor getting ready for her bath and Avril came up and started petting her hair.  She then said, "It has curly hair!"  Then she pointed to McKel's eyes, and exclaimed, "It has brownie eyes!"  Next she pointed to McKel's eyebrows and smiled saying, "It has ice brows!"  Haha.  Yes, McKel has curly hair, brownie eyes, and ice brows :)

And if you're lucky, you get to experience the love of an AMAZING husband, who showed me he loved me today by surprising me by cleaning the entire house till it was spotless!  I was over at my parents' house today, thinking my hubby was at home sleeping since he'd worked a grave the night before.  I thought we'd give him some quiet time to sleep so we were away for most of the day.  When I left our home this morning it was a disaster (another result of the terrible twos) and I just was too exhausted to do anything about it.  When I returned home later, it looked like I walked in to the wrong house.  Either the cleaning fairies did some magic, or I married a keeper.  I'm pretty sure its the latter.  Thank you sweetie, you're sooooooooooo my favorite!!

Oh, and our latest news is that this AMAZING guy of mine, was accepted to grad school at Auburn University, and just gave them his acceptance of their acceptance to attend :)  This means that our little family will be moving to ALABAMA!!  What a big and exciting change for us.  This really is bitter sweet for me because I don't want to leave our nana and papa and other papa, and great grandma behind.  The girls are so close to them now.  I love our home here too.  I have worked so hard to decorate it and make it feel like a home.  I know this will be a blessing for us though and we are excited for this new adventure.  We already found the PERFECT family to rent our house to.  I couldn't feel better about the renters.  We have so much in common.  Both our hubbies LOVE football, and we both have babies the same exact age!  We are already blogging buddies now :)  So... we will be moving out of this house by the end of the month, and in to the parents' basement until we leave for Alabama.  This way we can save some dough cuz well, lets face it, we're gonna be broke in grad school.

So here's to positive change!  And you know what they say about change:  Change is inevitable - except from a vending machine.


Aubrey Jane said...

AUBURN WOOOHOOO!!! I love Alabama (met and married my husband there) and my husband wants to go to Auburn for grad school too but it would be after y'all are gone. You will love the south!

Lindsay said...

Wow...Alabama! How fun. It will be an exciting adventure. I am sorry about the crazy nights. I have an awesome sleep book called 'The SLeep Lady's Good Night Sleep Tight' by Kim West. It is a gentle approach to sleep training. I know some of my other friends it's helped too. Maybe you want to check it out.

Your girls are darling. And I'm so glad you have such a wonderful husband. So sweet.