Saturday, March 5, 2011

Nana's Birthday

For Nana's birthday (March 2nd) we did the traditional Sizzler dinner with all the family.  Unfortunately, all could not be there... but we still enjoyed the good company.  Dada was all the way in Alabama for a grad school interview, so mommy sent this cute pic of Avril to let him know we're thinking of him:

And another cute girl pic:
McKel sported her first ponytails in her hair for the occasion
Avril lovingly tries to feed her sister finger foods
Ripping apart the straw wrapper is wildly entertaining
I'm ready for the food.  Get in my tummy!
Here is the beautiful birthday girl.  To learn more about this amazing woman, click here
You'll notice that McKel is wearing a different outfit than the original one she came in.  I'll give you one guess as to why...
Papa with his newest granddaughter
Avril loves her Uncle JJ
Happy Birthday Nana!  We sure do love you.

And here is a video clip of our pre-bedtime routine.  Avril is in the bathtub, while McKel happily makes cute baby noises and kicks her legs.