Saturday, April 16, 2011

6 Birthdays!!

Happy Birthday to Adrian, Arlene, Jared, Parker, Edison, and George Parkinson!  Yep, both my brothers (Jared and Adrian) as well as Adrian's wife, Arlene, were born on April 16th.  And today my aunt gave birth to 3 triplet boys:  Parker, Edison, and George!  So exciting!!

Email from Aunt Trish:
Parker is our single boy.  He weighed 3 lb. 4 oz. and I think he looks
like Kelly.  He has his feet and his coloring, but it's really hard to tell
from the photos.  I will send more as soon as they are not all hooked up to
all those monitors.  They were born at 10:29 - George, 10:30 - Edison, and
10:31 - Parker.  Love you!

Eddie weighed 2 lb. 4 oz. and has the best scores of all.  He screamed
louder than the other boys - probably just to tell them to move over and
watch out since he is the fighter of the bunch!  Eddie is the younger twin.
Trish's email:
WE HAVE TRIPLETS!  All are very healthy, happy and screaming.  We have 30
fingers and 30 toes; perfect little boys.  It's amazing to see how tiny they
are and so beautiful!  Georgie weighed 3 lb. 4 oz. and is the older twin.
More photos to come.  Love you all!
Can you believe it?!?!  Congratulations!!


Lindsay said...

What a popular family day!