Monday, April 11, 2011

McKel 4 Months

 Yesterday McKel turned 4 whole months old!  That's a third of a year!  She's growing too fast, just like Avril.  They both have the same time manipulation powers where time just speeds by.

A Daddy Daughter moment
I'm 4 Months!!
Today McKel had her 4 month check up.  McKel gave us a good laugh at the Dr.'s office.  After being checked out by Dr. Firth, Mommy picked up McKel and walked over to the mirror on the back of the door.  McKel then got a huge grin on her face and screamed out, "HI!"  Loud and clear!  Dr. Firth thought she was the smartest 4 month old he'd ever seen and we both got a good laugh out of it.  She was so good at her appointment.  She only cried a few seconds after her shots.  Everything looks fantastic except she does have very sensitive skin and has been clawing herself, as you can see by the scratch marks.  The Dr. prescribed some meds and had us buy some hypoallergenic soap, etc. so hopefully this will solve her skin problem.  McKel seems to still be mature beyond her years months.  Even the Dr. said she is moving and responding more like a 6 month old.  She seems like she has an old soul in a new body.  She just seems so wise and happy for a baby.  I can't wait to see her sweet personality continue to develop.  We love you McKel!

McKel's 4 month stats:
Height:  25.75 in:  94%
Weight:  12.31 lbs:  73%
Head Circumference:  16.5 in:  78%


Lindsay said...

What a sweet girl.