Friday, April 8, 2011

What We've Been Up To

Lots of updates...
So I hate getting behind on our blog because then it becomes not fun anymore.  I just get overwhelmed thinking about how much catching up I have to do... add that to the also overwhelming task of moving and organizing every item we own... and like 80 emails I haven't gone through... and I could go on and on.  Result: One exhausted mama.
And what's the deal with the weather?  Yesterday Jesse rode his scooter home in the blizzard and walked in the door looking like the abominable snowman.  He looked at me and said, "And this is why we are not going to live in Utah anymore."  Well, who knows?  We may be back... but I won't miss this part of the weather, that's for sure.
I am dying to get Avril and McKel outside in the sunshine to play.  We were even going to go to Baby Animal Days this year and that idea tanked due to the weather.  I keep getting small glimpses of hope that the sun will come out, but alas, I think the sun is just being a tease.
Here are a couple pics from one of the recent fair-weathered days:

Avril and her new friends playing in her bouncy bounce in the front yard.
One of the wonderful perks of staying with the parents is the close proximity to lots of kids... and most importantly, Jordan.  Avril is constantly asking for Jordan.  When she does not see him around, she will say, "Jordan had to go to work.  He had to make the monies."  Whenever somebody is not there, Avril assumes they are at work.  Whenever somebody is at work, they are making the monies.  Now Avril will grab a purse and open the front door saying, "Avril have to go to work.  Have to make the monies!"  It is hilarious :)

pretend sleeping
Pet deer
Another perk of our new residence are the pet deer.  This picture was taken right in the front yard.  They are frequent visitors to the yard which makes Nana very mad, since they love to eat all her plants.

Our next exciting news is that Jesse has started his third season with the Logan Stampede.  We rode down with Papa Bryan to the first pre-season game, which was in Roy.  The Stampede had a nice win and Jesse played one heck of a game.  We look forward to this time all year long (probably Jesse does most of all).  This year Avril is old enough that she can play and cheer on her daddy so she had the time of her life.  A little 8-year old girl named Destiny, who is one of the coaches daughters, befriended Avril at the game.  The two were inseparable.  I don't know if Avril has ever put out that much energy in one day playing.  After the game we were at McDonalds and she literally fell asleep eating her chicken mcnuggets!  Avril talks about her new friend Destiny nonstop.  She will say, "Destiny can play later.  Destiny at the football."  And every night after we finish her bedtime prayers she adds, "And please bless Destiny!"  It is the sweetest thing.  So hopefully Destiny will be at all the football games.  She makes a fun playmate and an amazing babysitter!
Here are some pics from the game:  (Somehow I forgot to take a picture of the main attraction:  Jesse!)  Sorry babe, I'll get some next game...

McKel all bundled up with her Papa Bryan
McKel was so content and happy the whole time.  She loves football already.
Avril sitting by her new friend Destiny.  She's soooooooo happy!!
One of the few pics I have of me and both my girls.  Aren't they adorable?
My Uncle Steven and Aunt Susan came up for a visit from California.  These are just a few pics of the family at Grandma and Grandpa's house.  It was so good to see them:
All the girls.  We had to put socks on McKel's hands because she keeps scratching her face.  Here she is sucking on her socks.  Ew, gross!  Avril keeps telling her not to.  Such a caring big sis.
I love this pic.  Such a typical McKel face.  She is always smiling.  Uncle JJ has been stopping by quite a bit and its always a special treat for the girls.  McKel loves her Uncle JJ.
McKel loves getting kisses!  Isn't this too precious?  I love it!
Aunt Susan and Uncle Steven, the California visitors
More family:  Spencer, Aunt Tracine, and Uncle Robert.  Baby McKel doses off in the background.
Goofy Spencer with his mom
Both McKel and Avril LOVE bathtime.  This was the first time we tried putting them in the tub together.  McKel kept on laughing.  I tried to get a little bit on video, it was so cute.
Just relaxin in the tub!
Ah, finally some peace and quiet.  I think I'll just sit and think pleasant thoughts.
Oh great... who invited her?  Say goodbye to peace and quiet!

And finally, some cute Avril quotes.  There are so many now I can't keep track!
  • When somebody is leaving, Avril will shout out:  "See you soon!  Alligator!"  Doesn't have quite the ring to it as See you later Alligator... but cute nonetheless.
  • While we were sitting at the table eating, Avril turned to my mom (Nana) and said, "You have big teeth."  I think this was inspired by hearing the Little Red Riding Hood story when she says to the wolf, "My, what big teeth you have."  :)
  • Avril is now basically potty trained.  Sort of.  We have to remember to take her to the potty every couple hours because she usually doesn't ask anymore.  Her favorite part is not getting the treat for going in the potty.  Nope, this little girl LOVES to flush the toilet.  She will shout out, "Bye bye pee pee!  Bye bye poo poo!"
  • If you are at a meal with Avril, you will most likely hear this quote:  "I don't like it, please!"  She is quite the picky eater and if she doesn't want something that is how she will tell you.  "I don't like it please!"  Too funny.