Friday, July 2, 2010


I must admit that blogging has been a bit of a chore lately.  I normally avoid the computer as much as possible because looking at the screen makes me nauseous... along with reading, watching tv, pretty much everything so I normally hit the sack not long after Avril does.  I know, exciting life, huh?  I just figure when I'm pregnant I can expect to sacrifice 9 months of my life for the joy of bringing a new little angel to the world.
However, the good news is... I am cured!  I just gradually started feeling better and I even went back to the gym today for the first time since getting sick, around my 6 week mark.  It felt fantastic!  With Avril I was sick the ENTIRE time and it felt like I would never get through it.  I remember I could hardly eat anything and was worried about Avril getting the proper nutrients when I could barely get any food down at all.  This time I have slowly been able to start eating somewhat of a normal diet.  This is all very exciting to me.  Today I told Jesse that since I'm not sick I'm starting to worry if the baby is okay.  He said I'm just being paranoid of course.
Well, we get to find out the sex of our baby this month and I'm just dying of curiosity, not knowing if Avril will have a little brother or sister!  We're so excited :)

I like seeing people's guesses so leave a comment with what you think!  I also put a poll on the side bar.
Thanks for stopping by! :)


The Rapp Family said...

I am so glad you are feeling better!! I hope you can now enjoy your pregnancy!! I can't wait to find out what you are exciting!! Also I love all the updates, thanks.