Sunday, July 11, 2010

Hogle Zoo!

Yesterday we were so excited that Jesse had the day off, we decided to take a trip down to the Hogle Zoo.  We'd never been there before so we went down with the whole fam, and the grandparents.  Avril was fascinated by all the animals.  She was so good, without a single fuss the whole time we were there!  What a treat.

Here we are, waiting for the elephants to put on a show...

The trainers put frozen fruits in a block of ice.  It was kinda cool to see how the elephants stomped on the ice in order to get their food out.  There was even a watermelon in there, that they smashed and proceeded to stuff in their mouth, with their long trunks.  The baby elephant, Zuri, weighed 822 pounds, if I remember right... at only 11 months old... that's younger than Avril!  Imagine poor mom giving birth to that baby!

Mr. Giraffe... or Mrs. Giraffe
An aerial view.  Mommy has a baby bump!