Friday, July 16, 2010


What's worse than losing your keys?  Losing your keys in an enormous warehouse like Sam's Club!  As I was walking out of Sam's Club, I looked down at my cart and saw my wallet sitting there, all lonely, missing it's normal companion- my keys!  I double checked my pockets, checked through all the food, and the keys were nowhere to be found!

I tried to stay calm and decided to ask the lady at the door if she could watch my cart while I retraced my steps.  First, I asked the customer service desk if they'd had any keys returned.  Nope, that would be too easy!  Next, I checked with the cashier who'd checked me out just minutes earlier, and had no luck there.  Finally, I started retracing my steps through the store, with Avril in tow on my hip.  It was hopeless, I was never going to find my keys.  I held back the tears and was ready to start panicking and call my hubby for help getting home.

As I was leaving the store, I stopped by the customer service desk once more.  I asked the lady once again, "Has anyone returned any keys?"  Right after Avril heard the word "keys," she shouted out, "KEYS!" and pulled her arm out from behind my back, holding my keys in her hand.  She'd had them the whole time!  What a relief :)  That crazy kid!  Gotta lover her!


The Rapp Family said...

That is a great story, I love it!! How frustrating for you though. The things are kids do....

ASP+AEP=Parkinson Family said...

Hey Sis that sucks but is good aslo ;) Bet you were happy but almost felt like pulling ur hair out heehee! Glad all worked out :)

Erka said...

At least she didn't drop them! Many toddlers would have! :)