Sunday, July 11, 2010

More 2nd Cousins Visit!

 My cousin Wendy and her husband Trent Tripple, came to visit all the way from Virginia.  Avril enjoyed spending time with her 2nd cousins:  Townsend, Tayzlie, and Tennessee.

Playing on the bars at in Grandma and Grandpa Parkinson's backyard

Wendy and Trent :)  Trent works in D.C. at the Pentagon and had a month off so they are vacationing lots of fun places... including good ol' Logan, Utah!

Avril and her 2nd cousin, Tennessee
So cute!

Tayzlie was so sweet to take Avril on the swings with her :)


Erka said...

Looking at Avril's picture, I could not help but think how much she looks like you! I am very curious to see who baby #2 is going to look like! When do you find out the sex?

Barbi Mecham said...

Okay, so it has been FOREVER since I have blogged and even longer since I have checked out my friends' blogs! Congrats on baby #2! Avril is so big and beautiful. I hope all is well and tell Jesse hello.