Saturday, July 3, 2010

Happy Independence Day!!

Happy 4th 3rd of July!  Since the 4th falls on a Sunday this year and this is Utah, well, we get to celebrate early :)  Jesse has to work like a cazillion hours this weekend... which I guess is nice for the holiday pay, but that means we don't get to spend the holiday together.  Sad.
So... today we spent the day hanging out with Grandma and Grandpa, mostly doing yard work.  It felt good to get some things accomplished and Avril wore herself out.
I tried to dress Avril in something patriotic-ish so she wore her cute dress that my friend Amy gave us:

Oh, and the shades were a nice touch.
Call my agent.

So we were out working in the yard... and our beautiful yard attracted some feathered friends.  It was crazy, they just came waddling out of the canal down our newly cleared path and came right up to us in the grass.  We quickly ran inside and grabbed some grub for our company since everyone knows its rude not to provide food for your guests.  They seemed delighted with the delicious whole grain bread we gave them, so they stuck around for awhile to mingle with us... all 9 of them!  Here are some fun shots I got of the duck clan:
Isn't that just so cool?  Avril is even very proficient at saying the words "duck" and "quack."


Lindsay said...

That is so funny the ducks came down! :) How fun.