Sunday, July 26, 2009

Happy Birthday Grandpa!

Today is Grandpa Parkinson's 83rd birthday!! When I say Grandpa that can sometimes be confusing since now I refer to my parents as the Grandpa and Grandma (for Avril's sake, of course). Since my dad is not 83 I guess you can figure out that I'm referring to my dad's dad, the other Spencer Parkinson (just to make it more confusing, they have the same name).

To celebrate the occasion we all went out to eat at the Sizzler. Mmmm... Here are some pics:

sleeping beauty

really? i said to make a goofy face and that's what you came up with sweetie?

she's very loved, can you tell?

ketchup, anyone?

Avril started being a fussy pants. We tried to cheer her up with the new toy that Olivia gave to her but nothing seemed to be working.

the mama and her hot mama

the whole Parkinson clan

my little gumdrop head and me :)


Chelsie Sanders said...

She is getting so big, and I have to tell you I think she is the prettiest little girl I have ever seen!

Rob & Emily Willardson Family said...

Avril is getting so big!! What a cutie!