Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Upstairs Rooms

A few people were asking for a picture of the nursery after all the decorating was complete. I decided to take pics of all the upstairs rooms since I've put quite a bit of work in to them lately. Finally the house is clean (at least the upstairs)!

Below are some pics of our bedroom:

I had a piece of wood cut at Home Depot for the shelf, and Jesse sanded it so that it was nice and smooth. We then painted it and had my dad put it up on the wall for us. My mother dear helped with the decorations on the shelf for the finishing touch.

View from master bathroom side.

View from entrance

Bathroom is on left

Our oh so comfy bed :)

I'm about to hop in to that nicely made bed, as soon as I finish this post!!

Below is the office: the shots are a little blurry for some reason. Oh well.

We didn't know where to put the love sac and just decided to throw it in the office. We actually love having it there because we can cuddle up and watch things on the computer. :)

I am sitting in that chair as I type this :)

And of course, we can't forget Avril's room, the Nursery:
Great Grandma was kind enough to get this crib for us and I just LOVE it! We decided to go with a neutral color for the walls so that we can make changes after Avril gets a little bigger, if we're still in this house. I think the color is called caramel creme. I saw the cute animal canvases online and just thought they'd be perfect so I ordered the set of them.

My mom bought this shelf at the Deseret Industries only it was blue with hearts and no pegs. We worked some magic by adding pegs, painting it brown, and painting some flowers that were glued on to make the cute shelf.

Not too exciting, just the changing area... we spend a lot of time here :)

My favorite chair in the world!! I fell in love with this when I was pregnant and could not get out of it when I was in the store. I waited and waited checking every week for this chair to go on sale. Finally it did so my mom and I drove down to Draper to pick it up. I spend a lot of time in this chair too, rocking Avril to sleep and feeding her in the middle of the night. It is sooooo comfy, I just love it!

I bought the wooden letters from Michael's back when we were considering spelling the name "Avrille" so I have an extra letter "L" and "E" if anyone needs them :) I painted the letters brown and added some cute scrapbooking baby items I found. My mom added the ribbons and.... walla! The pic from Avril's photoshoot I had framed and I couldn't be happier with the result. I think it looks so nice, even if I do say so myself.

Side shot of the crib and toy bag :)

And every post just must include a cute picture of Avril to make it complete :) I think Avril is pretty happy with her room!


Anonymous said...

Everything looks great! Looks like you guys have been working hard. Nice job!!!

Kristy said...
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Kristy said...

Wow, great job decorating! All your hard work really paid off, good thing you are so creative :)

Erka said...

I loved these pics! Your bedroom looks amazing! You are so talented! Oh, and Avril's room looks like it came from a Pottery Barn catalog! She is such a lucky girl to have such dedicated parents and grandparents! :)

Barbi Mecham said...

Hey guys! How are you? I have been absent for a while. I love the decor. Especially the football pillow on your bed...too funny! Hope all is well. Avril is beautiful and getting so big!

Aubrey Jane said...

WOW! The house looks AMAZING! You are so talented and thrifty. I like the way you used the space and the decorations are perfect!