Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Stampede Awards/ Avril's 1st Time in Pool!!

Jesse's football team had a post-season party at the Logan Aquatic Center. We were so excited to take Avril for a swim! I was pretty sure that she'd love it since her favorite part of the day is bath time.

Here we are at my parents' house just before we leave...

Avril's reaction when we told her that she gets to go swimming!!

Dave Williams and Jesse Yarger, two of the best offensive players on the team! They both received awards. Dave is wearing the pink Disney princess backpack because he "carries" the team. It had to do with the award he got. Suits him nicely :)

Jesse was awarded the "Rookie of the Year" since this was his first year playing for the Stampede. They gave him a newborn baby doll to go with this. Jesse was nice enough to share his doll with Avril.

Bracken Atkinson, Jesse's coach. He was awarded the coach of the year this year.

Mommy was eating the delicious bar-b-que food so grandpa took over with the baby for a bit. Thanks grandpa Bryan!

And here we are, about to dip in to the pool! Avril is clinging on for dear life!

Avril didn't even seem to notice that she was in the water. There were lots of rowdy boys running around and splashing which made mommy mad. It was time for bed, freezing, and Avril was getting cranky so it didn't turn out to be the big hit I'd thought it would. Maybe next time we can go earlier when its still warm outside and she's not so tired...

After swimming Jesse plays with our little sweetheart in her too-big swimsuit :)

Daughter-mommy playtime :)

The finger is often in the mouth... and usually its more than one finger. Avril does not like to suck on pacifiers, bottles, pretty much anything unless it is attached to a human. She will gladly suck on other people's fingers, arms, noses... :)

In the bathroom about to take a bath!

Soooo much fun, Avril just LOVES this!

Nice and clean!

Uncle Jared came over for a little FHE at our house.

Avril just brings a smile to everyone's face. She is such a joy and we love love love her to pieces!!!


Kristy said...

Oh why do you have to be so far away, I want to give her a big squeeze, she is so dang cute!!!
Jesse congrats on your award!