Saturday, July 4, 2009

Boating at Bear Lake

We got to have some visitors with us from California for awhile- my brother Adrian came with his family- Arleen, and Brittany. We celebrated the 4th of July with all of them and had a great time! We decided to go up to Bear Lake and rent a boat on Friday!!! What a blast!! The 4th of July is my favorite holiday because it is one of the only ones where it isn't cold outside (usually) and I love watching the fireworks.

Here is Avril in the car just chillin in her new hat that Grandma bought her.

And here is our first full family pic we've taken since our wedding... all the kids, grandkids are here :)

Jesse was the first to be brave enough to venture in to the freezing cold water and try water skiing. Just wait till I show him how its done!

And here is Jared driving the boat so my dad can water ski behind.

Bros- Chubbs & JMac

Us (Brrrr...)

Avril and her cousin at the 4th of July neighborhood breakfast


Barbi Mecham said...

4th of July is definitely one of my favorite holidays as well! Boating at Bear Lake brings back so many fab memories. Isn't it the best? Avril is getting so big. She is beautiful! It was fun chatting for a minute. Hope all is well!