Friday, January 30, 2009

Maternity Pics

Well I never considered having maternity pictures taken but as it turns out, my wonderful coworkers at the bank decided to buy me a photo membership to the Picture People Studio at the Valencia Town Center. This is good for 3 free photo shoots as well as some free prints. It was actually quite a thoughtful gift, its just that they didn't realize I would be leaving the state soon...
The day before I left for Utah I went to the mall to see if I could exchange the membership for something else, or give it to someone else, but no such luck. However, the lovely photo lady convinced me that I should take some maternity pictures with one of the shoots and after the baby comes we can come visit and use up the other shoots when we're in town.
I was happy that I went ahead with the pictures because I think it will be kind of cool to put in the baby scrapbook and show our little girl what mommy looked like when she had a watermelon-sized belly :)
Special thanks to my sweet friend Karen for providing my wardrobe again. She has the cutest maternity clothes! They sure have come in handy, the bigger and bigger I get...

Guess her name is 100% official now that its been spelled out in blocks and photographed. The little booties I brought in, they were a gift from my baby shower :)

These next two are rated PG cuz they show my bare belly. Jesse hadn't seen me in 3 weeks since he'd been in Logan and he could not believe how huge I was when he saw these.

I am so excited for our little girl to come! It seems like the due date is creeping up so quickly...
...And here is a picture I stole from Kandi's blog because my camera was not working that day. I am adding that to the list of things I need to buy for when the baby comes. After I had my maternity pics taken at the mall we met up for lunch at the Souplantation. I believe Kandi is about 18 weeks pregnant in this pic and I am about 36 weeks. So there are actually 4 people in this picture... 3 girls and a mystery child! :)


Andrew Cardon said...

Wow the pictures look really good. It looks like you had a pretty crazy drive to Utah with the car all full. Are you and Jesse moving back to Utah? Or is it just to be near family while you have your baby? Anyway good luck it looks like you are getting pretty close to being a mother!

As to your comment about Aimee's picture from a student I think the things sticking out of her head are supposed to be pigtails :)

Erka said...

Oh, I am happy you guys are in the same state again! Now i can't wait to see what Avrille is going to look like when she is born in a few days! I am hoping you are going to post lots of pictures, right?