Thursday, February 5, 2009

I've Arrived in Utah!

My dad flew down to the Burbank airport and I picked him up late Friday night. We arose early the next morning to start packing up the Mountaineer for our trek to Utah. When asked if I had a lot of things to pack, I ignorantly responded.. "not really, I doubt it will take that long." As seen in the pics below, maybe I was slightly off in my judgment.

My dad and I ended up leaving Santa Clarita a little after 11:00 am. Although we had everything ready to go, we had to make a quick stop at the post office which turned in to the complete opposite of quick since Saturday is a busy day, especially when only 2 employees are working. We needed to close out my PO Box and return the key. After over a half hour in line, we learned that I get my $1 key deposit back for returning it and closing it out. Yay! A half hour wait for a dollar! :)

We arrived in Logan a little after midnight, Utah time. As you can see in the pic, it is clearly not dark outside... we put off unloading the car till the next day since nobody really felt like it after midnight, and after driving for 12 hours.

This shot shows how stuffed the car was. It was filled to the brim... we barely fit everything in but we made it!

Of course I needed to visit the grandparents after I arrived so here they are with my gorgeous mother, as well as the mother of all lemons! No, that is not a grapefruit...the Maxsons gave us a bunch of lemons to take with us to Utah and my mom wanted to show off this gargantuous-sized lemon to my grams and gramps.

And here are Avrille and I, relaxing on the couch at my grandparents... the camera adds 10 pounds, you know, so I look a little big here.

Aaah, reunited at last, Jesse and I :) Here I am getting a foot massage, that I'd been missing out on for the past month!...just one of the many things I missed out on while away from my cute hubby.

And its story time now. We gathered round as my mom read us a story that her friend had written and given to her as a gift. I'm so glad I made it here without any babies popping out. Now I get to just prepare for the baby to come and spend time with my family. :) Sounds good to me!


Lindsey said...

YOU MADE IT!!! Hooray and welcome home. As soon as I get back from CALI...I shall come sqeeze your little prego belly...unless you are popped by then:) LOVE YA and welcome home!

trevor and keesa said...

holy crap!! I didn't think you were moving till after that sweet little girl comes:) I can't wait to see you:) And I can't get over that you are gonna be a mommy any day now!

Scrap Happy Mommy of 2 said...

now that you are more local, we should meet up!

Travis, Susie; Hunter and Gracie said...

I am so glad that you found my blog! Yours is so cute! Congratulations on that little one that is on the way! That is so exciting!!!

K Risser said...

I'm glad you made it home safely!

Barbi Mecham said...

Hey! You are here. You and Jesse will have to come visit so I can officially meet you ~ although I feel I already know you! Even with the added 10 lb camera weight you look fabulous!