Monday, February 9, 2009


Last night Grammy & Grampy Parkinson (Gayle & Spencer) hosted a Grammy party!! Brownies and milk hit the spot... Avrille especially enjoyed them. She has a sweet tooth already... or should I say sweet gums... I hope she doesn't come out with teeth!!

Jesse (deer in the headlights look), Ali, Shelby, Ginger, Jordan

Be sure to tune in to our couch dance performance below... I especially like Shelby's moves.

BABY Update:
Today I went to the wonderful Dr. Firth. It was my first appt with a new doctor, and I felt so much more informed than with our normal Dr. who I can never understand when he talks. I found out that everything is going well and progressing as it should.
My hopes for an early delivery were somewhat dashed when I found that the baby is still sitting high and has not started migrating down yet :( But who knows? Anything could still happen!


Ok, so Jesse and I already have a bet going on when the baby will arrive. Please comment your guesses for:

1. Date/ time of arrival
2. Weight of baby
3. Length of baby
4. Do you like the spelling Avril or Avrille better? (we go back and forth, so it was Jesse's idea to request the help of friends on our blog)

The winner will receive recognition and praise on our blog... Woo hoo!


Lindsey said...

Feb. 20
7lbs 3 oz
19 inches
Avril Nicole:) After her aunty linds!!! j/k
LOVE YOU and keep me updated.

Erka said...

Feb. 23
6lbs 14 oz
19 inches
(We had a simmilar dilema with my daughter's name We were debating between Isabel and Isabelle. We finally decided on a different first name, but picked Isabel as her middle name.)
Enjoy these last few days and really do get all the rest you can get!

Robert and Kristen said...

Feb 20 (that is Carly's birthday)
19 1/2 inches
It is hard to tell if they will be early or not. Carly was 6 days early and Brandon was 1 day late! I know it is so uncomfortable at this point but try to rest as much as you can because once the baby comes, rest is hard to come by!

trevor and keesa said...

Feb. 26
7lbs 4 oz
20 inches

Ya, Lynds should burn in hell for leaving us pregos while she prances off to neverland!!
ps...where are you living?

Andrew Cardon said...

Feb. 21
6 lbs 3 oz
18 1/2 inches
Avril - like Avril Lavigne

Scrap Happy Mommy of 2 said...

Feb 27th
6 lbs 4oz
18 inches

Can't wait to see her!

Kristy said...

1. Feb 28th (sorry!)
2. 6 lbs 13 oz
3. 19"
4. Avril

Brittany Dawn Large said...

um I don't know about the other stuff but i do like Avril better

The Rapp Family said...

Feb. 22
6lbs 15 oz
20 inches
Good luck!! We are so excited for you guys.....and can't wait to meet your little girl.