Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!!!

My first thought for a gift to get my amazing husband was a little girl. Since that fell through, I had to resort to plan B, a homemade Valentine (below). Inside were coupons for lots of little things that I knew he'd appreciate :) I also got him a custom-made wrist band from with a little saying that's important to us. Jesse always wears wrist bands when he plays sports. He will not play a single game without one. He still wears the same wrist band from when he won the football championship game in high school. It used to be red. It is now pink. I think its time for a new one :)

My gift from Jesse was not one, but 26 gifts! He did one gift for every letter of the alphabet. I also had to guess each gift by the clever poems he wrote describing each one. What a creative husband I have. I feel so lucky :) Valentine's Day was such a treat.

We went out on a date to Golden Corral. Believe it or not this picture was taken BEFORE the meal, not AFTER!! It looks like I ate a lot but I'm actually starving in this pic. I did get lots of people at the restaurant giving me looks and asking me when I was due. I guess its pretty obvious now... finally!

I also have to put in a special thanks to my cute friend Lindsey for recommending the movie Fireproof to us. We watched this movie with my parents and it was soooooo good.... definitely not the greatest acting, and a little cheesy but it has the most incredible message. If you have not seen it, go rent it. You'll laugh, you'll cry (I mostly did the 2nd one), you'll love it! :)


Anonymous said...

Jesse, gotta hand it to you. Such a romantic guy. Wish you both well!

Erka said...

Great Valentine's Day! I am glad she waited, because her birthday being on Valentine's would not be very convinient in the future when you guys go on fun romantic trips! So, good girl,Avril(le) for waiting! :)
Keep us posted on when the big day arrives!