Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Getting Ready for Baby Avril(le)

We finally got our car seat and we're so excited. Now it feels official. We have something to bring our baby home from the hospital in. Thank you soooo much to our friends who helped out so that we could afford to get this.
I did a lot of research and found that this kind was the most highly recommended from lots of friends and car seat experts. This is the Britax Marathon and it can be used all the way from 5 pounds to 65 pounds so it should last us a loooong time. Yay!!

Baby Update:
Thank you for all the baby guesses on the blog. So far everyone is winning, since she hasn't arrived yet. HOWEVER... you may want to reconsider your guesses since my Dr.'s appointment yesterday. Just one week ago she hadn't dropped yet and I wasn't at all dilated.
THIS WEEK.... She has dropped all the way down and is in position for delivery. I am dilated (only 2 cm, but better than nothing), and the lining has thinned. Doc says these are the 3 things to look for right before going in to labor. I was also having LOTS of contractions yesterday. I even had one that the Doc felt while I was sitting there.
He says its looking good and it COULD BE ANY DAY NOW!!!! Woo hoo! I am so excited and getting soooo nervous now. This may be my last post before she comes... who knows?


Barbi Mecham said...

Good luck!!!

Erka said...

Oh wow,it can be any day now!
I still think she'll come on the
23d! I just like to win that bad! Just kidding!
Good choice on the carseat! I have the Britax Roundabout and I love it! The only reason I didn't get the Marathone was because I thought I would have a second baby before my first one was 65pounds. Now, seeing how much I love the Roundabout, I wish I had just gone for the Marathone too! Britax is pricey, but totally worth it!

P.S. What's your address in Utah? Can you dropp me an email with it? I bought something for little Avril (le) and I'd like to send it.

trevor and keesa said...

holy crap!! well, I guess that means I'll be losing the bet:) I hope all goes well, keep me updated!

Lindi said...

Wow!! so close! i am super excited for you guys. I can't wait to see pictures

Anonymous said...

Oh man! I forgot to place my bet! Guess I'm not too late.

Date: 2/21
Weight: 7lbs 6 oz
Length: 21 inches

I'm so excited for you!!!

Lindsay said...

How fun! :) Good luck...I hope everything goes well!

Unknown said...

Alicia, Jesse and Avrille,
I am thinking great thoughts for you.
I can't wait to hear about everything when you find time to post again; I am sure you will have better things to be doing. Good luck!