Thursday, January 22, 2009

Baby Shower Pics!

Thursday night, January 22nd was my Baby Shower!! I was so excited because I have never had a baby shower before, and I could not believe someone would go to all that trouble for our little unborn child... I can honestly say it was one of the happiest days of my life, because it was like a reunion of all my closest friends that feel like family to me. I am so grateful to everyone that attended, and for all that contributed to the shower. I am especially thankful for Debbie Black who hosted the shower and who's idea it was to have it in the first place. It was just such a memorably, happy night for me. THANK YOU!!! I downloaded lots of pics from that night. Jennifer Peterson was kind enough to volunteer to be a photographer for a night, and I was very happy with the results. :)

These are some of my favorite people in the whole world! I'm so glad they could come. I am wearing my wonderful friend Karen's maternity clothes. She has been kind enough to lend me a whole box of them so I can look somewhat stylish during my pregnancy. I have fantastic friends!!
Notice how Kristy's belly looks different than mine, even though our due dates are only a day apart... I think she carries her baby higher and mine sits lower. We're in a race to see who's baby comes out first! I think ours has a head start since she's so low already :)

Everyone looks like they're having a great time :)

This shot shows the gift table and the cake! Eva (Karen's little girl) loved the blocks on top and made sure to take some home as souvenirs. She was so excited!

My sister-in-law drove up from Azusa, CA with my niece to attend. Unfortunately, my brother was not invited due to his Y chromosome so he stayed at the Maxson's and watched TV.

My gorgeous, other pregnant friend Kandi also drove up from Simi Valley. She is a little over 4 months and looks fabulous. She is having a boy.... or a girl... she is keeping it a surprise! I don't know how she's doing that, the suspense would just kill me! I'm so glad I got to see her!!

Unwrapping of the gifts. Avrille is smiling inside my tummy I am sure :)

... and more gifts!

....and more!

...they just kept coming! I received a couple of beautiful blankets that were hand-made! One from Sharon Lightner, and one from Debbie Black. I know some pretty talented people.

We passed all the gifts around so all could see the adorableness up close!

Our baby is going to be dressed to impress... wow! Those are some cutie clothes!

This shows the heaping pile of gifts, after all the unwrapping. Special thanks goes to Brittney for being my official shower card-holder and for Eva for taking care of the wrapping paper and ribbons for me.

Just some final shots of some of my favorite people. I can't wait to show Jesse all that we now have for our little girl. He is going to be so excited! Thanks again to everyone, this was so much fun for me and I'll never forget my very first Baby Shower. It was truly amazing and I can never say thank you enough...


The Stanley Scoop said...

Your baby shower looks like it was sooo fun! You look really cute and happy. I can't wait for you to have your baby. It is so wonderful. Keep me posted!

Blakely said...

You look so good. I am so excited for you two! Your Baby Shower looked like a ton of fun.

mandy said...

It looks so fun,and it was so fun to see pictures of all those people from the ward. I love all them!
So are you guys moving to utah?

mandy said...
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Anonymous said...

You look gorgeous! Your friend who is due almost the same day and you look like you could be sisters! I am so excited for you guys:).

Erka said...

Wow, what a shower! You are lucky to have such good friends and family! You look great bytheway! I think you are going to be one of those people that within a week of giving birth can fit in their pre-pregnancy jeans!

Jamie Dana said...

Isn't it fun to get cute baby clothes? It is like a reality check that, yes, there will be a baby at some point of this stomach-stretching process. Girls are so fun. I am so excited for you Alicia.

That is so cool that you and Kristy are due a day apart! Your girls will be life-long friends too for sure.

Good luck with the last stretch of your pregnancy.

K Risser said...

The shower was a lot of fun, you got so many cute things! Hurray for the 9th month!!!

Lindsay said...

Looks like fun! Good luck with the last few weeks!