Friday, January 9, 2009

Happy Birthday to the World's Best Dad!

Today was a special day for Dad Yarger... he celebrated a birthday!

Here he is as a brand new dad, with little baby Jesse Yarger :)

And carrying little toddler Jesse around. He must be a pretty amazing dad, considering how well Jesse turned out! Just think, now he gets to be a grandpa Yarger and do this with a little girl! :)
And here is a more current photo:
Boys night out at Iggy's to celebrate dad's bday. Dad Parkinson was there too but is taking the picture :) We love you dad and hope you had a fantastic birthday.

Shelby pulled out his master culinary arts skills and made this chocolate cherry delight for the occasion. Wow! Looks rich...

Shelby must've done a pretty good job, dad looks excited to dig in! Mmmm....
Thanks for all you do dad, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!