Thursday, January 29, 2009

I get knocked down, but I get up again! You ain't never gonna keep me down...

I just have to tell about my newest fainting spell experience because it makes a pretty funny story. I was out running errands all morning and trying to get things done before the move. At about 11:30 I went to a place called Ocean Nails and Spa to get my eyebrows waxed (It was about time, and I was going to see my hubby in 2 days so I was worried he wouldn't recognize me if I didn't make a stop here).

Well... I was supposed to meet my other VERY pregnant friend Kristy for lunch at 12:30 so I thought I'd have plenty of time. I started to feel a little dizzy when I walked in the spa but thought it was just the usual dizziness I occasionally experience.

I leaned back in the reclined chair and the nice asian lady who spoke very little english went to work with the wax. All of a sudden I felt the blood rush out of my head and felt the sweat start trickling down my face. I don't remember what happened next but when I woke up they had me laid down and I opened my eyes to about 10 asian women standing around me speaking a language I did not understand! It took me a second to realize where I was. One lady was pouring some sugary tea water concoction in my mouth. I'm not sure what it was but I didn't care...I felt so sick and it seemed to be helping revive me.

Another lady had taken my phone out of my purse and was trying to call the number that said Home (which is to my parents' house in Utah). I told them NOT to call 911 (one lady was on the phone about to), since an ambulance bill would not have made me happy. Instead, I told them to look on my phone for a Kristy Risser, who I was meeting for lunch. She showed up to save the day and rescue me. The funny part is what they must have been thinking when my 9 month pregnant rescuer showed up and we left together, both about ready to pop! :) What an exciting day! I don't know that I'll ever return to that nail spa, it was quite embarrassing!


Erka said...

That was a funny story!
I am glad everything worked out in the end!

Anonymous said...

I must have heard only half of the story! Too funny. But I am really glad that your ok. And safe and sound!

K Risser said...

That was such a crazy day! I'm so glad I could be your rescue committee! I think to avoid future problems you should make a little tag and pin it to your self, (you know like really old people do sometime) It could say, "Hi I'm Alicia, if found unconscious, please call..." you would look so cool :)
I hope you are feeling better now!!!