Saturday, September 29, 2012

Wicked Witch Ride

I always say how much I LOVE every race I do.  And that every race I do is my favorite.  This one really had to be up there, a way favoritest favorite.  I got a random call from my friend Brianne, who I hadn't talked to in like 8 years... and she needed a rider to replace someone in their relay who was sick.  I was like, heck yeah, I'll do that!  The race started in Brigham, and was a 70 miler through Tremonton and a big loop back to the park in Brigham City.  It was all girls, and we got to dress up like witches!
Jesse had the girls for the weekend and I was trying to figure out what I would do for the weekend so it was such a blessing, a little miracle even, that Brianne called and invited me.  Sometimes I am so grateful for the smallest things that help get me through a day.  I felt overwhelmed with gratitude toward her for thinking to invite me, because I so needed that ride that day.  I ended up doing two of the legs of the race, so I did about 50 miles total.  It went by quickly and was not very difficult.  One of the girls on our relay team took a serious tumble when her wheel got caught in the railroad tracks, and she was catapulted off her bike, to come crashing down on her wrist and shoulder.  She somehow managed to finish the race, but had to go to the hospital afterward and have her shoulder and wrist tended to.
The scenery along the ride was amazing, the weather was just perfect, the costumes were adorable, and the company was sublime.  I am so glad I had this opportunity.  My heart was very full this day.

A full moon!  Breathtakingly beautiful morning in Brigham City, Utah

I had never seen the new Brigham Temple up close... it almost made me stop in my tracks on the road, it was so exquisite!

The cauldron at the starting line, ready for some witches to mix their magic!

The decorations for this event were just over-the-top incredible!
Cackle, cackle!
A hot start to the race!
Okay, so I am in this picture this is right at the start.  I'm right behind the front middle girl.  My number is 123, you can barely make it out, but that's me, ready to ride my broom bike!
Our relay team:  Ali, Brianne Potter, Rhiannon Nielsen
The wicked witches:  Rhiannon, Angelica, and Ali

Brianne cackled tackled the second leg of the race, aka the HARD one, with the giant mountain hill climb

At the first rest stop, after finishing leg 1.  A happy me!

Brianne is ready to relieve me and pick up where I left off!

We ended up finding someone to drive our car back to the start so that I wouldn't have to, because Brianne and I decided we both wanted to go ahead and complete the third leg of the race to the finish line.  So fun!
After my weekend being kidless, I was missing my girls like crazy.  My dad went with me down to Provo to pick them up.  On the way down, a giant metal something flew up on the road and hit the car out of nowhere... it hit the car with such force that it made a hole that went completely through the door.  Scary!  I was so happy to see my kiddos.  They are just the sweetest angels ever.  It wasn't long before they were both sound asleep in the back seat of the car... so good to have them back with mommy.
Avril munching on balogne, which she LOVES, for some odd reason, did not get that from her mama!

McKel in a daze, ready to doze off...