Sunday, September 23, 2012


I scheduled my flight from North Carolina to come back on Saturday morning, so that I could make it in time to the circus with the whole family!  The girls were sooo excited, especially Avril.  She kept talking about getting to see the "real" Dumbo.  She could not wait.  We thoroughly enjoyed the show, it was definitely entertaining.  The acrobats and trapeze artists were amazing, and the way that they could train those animals to do tricks was pretty incredible as well.  The elephants were of course, a big hit with the girls.  Thank you for taking us, Nana and Papa.  It was so fun!  I was especially excited to see my girls after 4 days of missing them.  They are my adorable little sweethearts.

Just before headed to Salt Lake City for the circus, hair all curled, showing off her gorgeous big brown eyes!
So pretty!
Just like her shirt says, SMILE!  You're my sunshine, on a cloudy day :)

Outside of the Energy Solutions Center, Britt holds McKel
An excited Avril, about to enter inside to see the circus!!
This was the scariest part of the show for me, I was so worried the lion would attack the trainer!

This elephant was trained to paint!

McKel and her cousin Brittney!
McKel and Auntie Arleen
Father and Sons
all of us chowing down on some ice cream!

Here is a shot of Avril watching the elephants with a gleeful grin!!
We stopped to get some grub on the way home...