Saturday, September 22, 2012

Fort Bragg Surprise Visit!

My lil bro (in law, ex) is also my very dear friend, and my hero.  He has been serving in the army overseas, in Afghanistan since March of this year.  We found out the good news, that he would be returning to his base in North Carolina and we decided it would be so fun to surprise him.  He did not think anyone would be coming to see his homecoming.  Annie and I were able to plan a last minute trip out to Fort Bragg, and it was such an amazing experience, I'm so glad we were able to make it out there.
Shelby was definitely in shock that we were there at the base to greet him.  Mission accomplished :)  Annie and I had a bit of difficulty at first, trying to find where and when he would be arriving, because apparently this was top secret information.  Shelby had mentioned in an email the date he would be arriving but that was about all the info we had to go off of.  I tried googling directory phone numbers for the Fort Bragg base and nobody was very helpful.  One lady I talked to told me that the military person had to provide us with the details of the flight if we were to find him.  I then stated, "well, we're surprising him though."  To which she responded, "Oh, well we don't do that here."  Annie and I got a kick out of that.  Once we got to the military base we asked around and were able to get more details from some army wives there who had been through the whole homecoming thing all too many times.
It was just very emotional to be at the military base with so many waiting for their loved ones to return from war.  There were even little tiny babies who had never met their daddies before.  Lots of little kids were on the edge of their seats with anticipation for the return of their dads, holding up the signs they had made for them.  It was just so sweet, you couldn't help but get teary-eyed.
Shelby came back very manly-looking, and mature.  He had put on quite a bit of muscle and looked quite different from the Shelby that left 7 months prior.  He was so appreciative of everything.  When he saw the sheets on the beds, he squealed with excitement, that he got to sleep with sheets on a bed.  He savored every bite of delicious food, that was real food, not the pre-bagged kind that you had to put water in to eat.
We got to meet Shelby's best army friend, and other half... his name is Andrew Spilman.  His girfriend Michon came along, as well as Andrew's dad, Steve.  We all stayed together at a hotel in Fayetteville.
There were all kinds of war stories to tell.  I just really had no idea what they went through as soldiers, and I have so much respect for them.
At one point, on the 4th of July, a helicopter landed at their base, and crashed right in to where they were sleeping.  The blades came within 10 feet of Andrew's bed, with sparks flying everywhere.  He said it was like fireworks, but only real explosions.  The pilot died in the crash.  I believe they said he was Russian.
Three of the men in their unit did not make it back.  Shelby said they were driving a vehicle and hit an IED (an explosive device buried underground by the Taliban) and it just completely obliterated the vehicle with the soldiers in it.
Shelby said that getting shot at was a daily occurrence.... except for on Muslim holidays, like the Ramadan.  On 9/11 and July 4th he said it was especially heavy fire.  The rule is that the US soldiers cannot shoot at their targets if they are within a certain number of feet of a civilian village.  This put them in a bind because the Taliban would just go to a village and start shooting at the base and there was nothing they could do to retaliate.
The base they stayed on was only about the size of half of a football field.  They did have one doctor and some medical staff there at the base.  Often civilians from the villages would be sent in for medical treatments.  Shelby said he would see a lot of women and children who were severely wounded, and it was hard to see, especially young children, as I can imagine.
Shelby really missed the girls.  He said those were the pics he had up around his bunk.  He would often email me and ask me to send him more pics of them because he was missing them so much.  Those girls have so many who love them, I'm so grateful for that.
My experience helped me realize how much our military men do for us, and how grateful I am for the sacrifices they make for us on a daily basis.  It makes you truly appreciate family and loved ones.  I enjoyed getting to spend time with Annie as well, she is such a joy to be around, and you can't help but be happy around her, she has an amazingly bright spirit.  She is one of those people who is just beautiful inside and out.  I'm grateful to have such incredible people in my life.  This was a very humbling, yet joyous trip.  So glad I could go :)  Shelby even brought me back a genuine Afghani beaded bracelet!  I am wearing it right now as I type :)

I had the girls color a poster for me to take out to North Carolina for Shelby when he arrived.  Sierra, the next door neighbor, and one of Avril's best friends who she talks about non-stop, helped with the coloring...  Shelby loved the poster, he was very grateful to have it!

As I was driving down to the airport, I tried to capture a photo with my phone because the canyon was so pretty with all the bright fall colors!
Me and Annie sitting at the base, awaiting Shelby's arrival.  It was a looong wait, we were just sooo excited to see him!
At the green ramp waiting for loved ones...
This little girl was so cute with her little army dress, I had to steal a photo of her :)

Shelby is walking down the steps, carrying the box with the gun across his chest
All of Shelby's unit, walking in formation
I tried my best to get a video clip, but its not the greatest...
I think she's happy to see him ;)

Yay!!  He's home!  Me, Shelby, Annie, and Steve (Andrew's dad)

Family :)
Shelby in the middle, with some of the guys from his unit
Annie and Shelbs, in front of the hotel we stayed at

We had dinner at Red Robin the first night he was back.  Shelby was so excited to eat delicious food!

Annie, me (Ali), Shelby, Andrew, and Michon.  Our whole crew!

Love this pic, we all look so happy!!!

Friday morning I went for a run around Fayetteville.  It was nice and green and tree-filled.  I ventured down a dirt road off the main road, and saw a white deer!  At first glance I thought it was an over-sized bunny, because it was white with a bushy tail!  Then I realized it was a deer.  It was mostly white, with a little brown.  The mommy is on the right and the baby is scampering off to the left, a little hard to see, but the best I could do with just my phone on me.

In our hotel room...
Michon and Andrew got engaged while we were there.  Congrats!

the three musketeers...
While we were away, Carme and Jim (Shelby's mom and step dad) came down and stayed at my house while they emptied Carme's storage shed.  They took the girls to a picnic at the park with my parents.  Love the froggy and bee hats!  So cute!