Sunday, September 2, 2012

Man Vs. Mud

Who knew mud could be so much fun!  My awesome cousin, Robert Crockett, convinced me it would be a good idea to run through obstacles and get covered in mud with him.  He was right, in was a great idea!  We had a blast!!  There were long trenches filled deep with mud, clear up to my chest.  We kept slipping and sliding all over the place.  We got to ride inter tubes down a slip and slide... go across an air-filled bridge and try not to slip in to the water beneath (which I did), slide through soap suds on our stomachs, go through a giant spider web... all kinds of fun things!  Coming up soon is the Tough Mudder... us cousins are getting together a team to tackle this challenge next.  Can't wait!!  Hoping not to get electrocuted...

The final slip 'n' slide at the finish line.  Robert tried to get the biggest splash possible in the mud.
Woo hoo!
My shirt started out white...

Time for showers!!  Thanks for an awesome time, cuz :)


Robert and Kristen said...

You know it!
I'm glad they had obstacles because a) it makes the race more fun and b) made it so I could keep up with you!
Can't wait for Oct 13!