Thursday, August 30, 2012

August- Catch Up

I really don't think it gets any cuter than these two kiddos of mine.  The pictures capture just tidbits of their cuteness, but there is just no way to describe how truly adorable they are without being around them and getting to see their unique, wonderful personalities.  I am trying to get caught up on a ton of blog postings all at once so forgive me if its all a-jumbled.  I need to stay on top of this more.  Life is just crazy busy, my usual excuse :)  works well when you're a single mom.  And its not even a lie.
Nana and Papa have been a tremendous help with the girls.  And the girls just love their nana and papa.  Earlier this month, they took the girls to the local fair for some rides and animal viewing.  Mom got caught up on housework.  Exciting, yes.  Here are some sweet pics of the girls:

Avril, waiting for her race car to get a-movin!
McKel and the cute little baby goats :)

Train ride!!
Somebody was eating chocolate... :)
Hair freshly washed, sitting on the steps at Nana and Papa's house.  As Avril would say, "we love each other."  So sweet
Avril:  "What a delicious cookie!"

Caption for McKel:  "Wait, I wasn't ready for a pic!!"

Mmm, this churro is delicious!

I love this picture of McKel.  She loves to play with that plastic tubey thing out in our driveway.

Avril with her famous cheesey smile, sitting on our front porch.
There was a family reunion for all the Keller family, held in Preston Idaho.  This is on Grandma Joyce's side.  We were so lucky to get to hear a virtuoso violinist play, and we got to visit with all the extended family.  Stephen and Susan Parkinson came up from California, which is always a treat!
Susan & Stephen Parkinson, with Me!! :)

For Brittney's birthday this year she wanted to go with the family up to Bear Lake and rent Jet skiis.  So this is what we did!!  It was a beautiful day, and we all had a blast!  Brittney had Hello Kitty cupcakes and the girls of course ate all the frosting off the tops.
Happy Birthday Brittney!! :)

Avril and McKel absolutely LOVED playing on the beach in the mud.  Give em some buckets and spoons, and that equals hours of nonstop fun!

Also, this month, one of mommy's friends got married!  The reception was in a gorgeous backyard, the perfect setting for such a beautiful, splendid occasion!
Ali, Bethanie Brown (the bride), and Rachael Copeland
Newlyweds first dance
The Browns really know how to put on a good dance show...even the littlest one!  She was so cute!!

Dalton and me.  I took this picture for Shelby, to send to him in Afghanistan, since we are two of his favoritest people!
Also this month, we got a visit from the cousins in North Carolina.  Joni Stanley and her family got to stop by and see our home for a little bit.  It was so great to get to spend time with them, even if only for a short while.
McKel sitting with Brooke.  McKel was not too happy about having to sit to take pictures.
It was not easy at all to get a picture of all the kids together.   Mommy had to sit with them to get them to be even the slightest bit cooperative.  We tried a couple times then gave up.

Drake, Brooke, McKel, mommy, and Avril

Cousins:  Ali and Joni

The girls absolutely LOVE playing with sidewalk chalk.  The next door neighbor, Sierra, has become one of Avril's best friends.  She looks forward to playing with her every single day when she gets home.  Here is a little clip of them drawing on the sidewalk out in front of Sierra's house. :)
I was headed home from the worst date ever.  Just took a picture so I could remember how awful it was... will make for some hilarious stories to tell my girlfriends :)  Gotta love it!