Sunday, October 28, 2012

Random Shots of the Sistas!

October whizzled by fo shizzle.  Lots went down this month.  The girls are growing and learning at a lightning fast pace.  I'm just throwing all the random photos in to one giant post to show what we've been up to lately.

Bed Head.  Mornings are chaotic at our house.  The house becomes a whirlwind of destruction.  Avril ponders what her next move will be...
This is at the park around the corner from our house.  Of course there is a whole jungle gym and playground and my girls find the flower bed to play in instead...
Anyone who has been around the girls, knows that blankets, rugs, mats, all articles of clothing, basically anything that can be used as a blanket for babydolls, will end up in a giant pile in the middle of the floor.  Both girls love playing mommy, and cover their dolls with piles of "blankets."  Those dollies will never be cold... or able to breathe.
McKel puts her babydoll to sleep in the playroom at Great Grandma Joyce's house

So many gadgets to play with at Great Grandma's house!

"Mommy, I'm stuck."
October 23rd was our first snow in Logan.  Woo hoo!  Funstuff for the girls.  I could barely get Avril's hat and jacket on fast enough.  She looked out the window, saw the white everywhere, and was out the door, stuffing ice cold snow in her mouth by the handfull!  She was squealing with excitement... Love seeing my kids that happy!

Snowballs for breakfast?  I think so!
Before it got oh so cold, the girls loved playing on this old swing set in the backyard.  It came with the house and was falling apart, but Papa Bryan came over with some tools and made it play-worthy for the girls :)  Avril loves to help her lil sis out!

My non-picky eater, who gets most of the food on herself...

My picky eater, who we do a cheer for every time she eats something besides ice cream or chicken nuggets!

A giant Halloween spider is not just a decoration, but a fun ride for the girls :)

The girls LOVE to play with our next door neighbor, Sierra.  Here they enjoy a tasty snack in the driveway!

Auntie Arleen reads stories to the girls on the porch...

Can never go wrong when you combine piles of leaves with kids.  Instant smiles guaranteed!!  Uncle Jared raked his leaves for the girls to enjoy...

McKel is still little enough to have bathtime in the sink sometimes.  She made sure to make her horseys nice and clean too!

The girls love to help mommy make her morning protein shake every day. 

Gonna cook up some Avril and McKel for breakfast... say what mom?!!

For Avril's daycare she was supposed to bring in a poster with fun family pics that show her favorite things.  This captures Avril very well :)  Thank you for your help Nana
Goofiness is ALWAYS the best way to start a day!
Momma update:  
Just feeling incredibly grateful for my awesome friends and fam!
"At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us."

Sometimes its nice to get out with girls older than age 1 and 3... LOVE THESE LADIES! :)