Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Halloween = too much cuteness for just one costume.  So many places to go, people to see... we jam packed our Halloween with lots of dress ups and activities.  It was Jesse's holiday to take the girls trick-or-treating, but we didn't let that stop us from having some Halloween fun!

The girls' daycare hosted a Halloween-themed celebration with face-painting, blood-drinking, pumpkin-making, and cupcake-deliciousness.  The girls threw on some wigs and Halloween attire and headed off for party time!

We told the girls they were dressed as Halloween models so if you ask Avril what she dressed as for Halloween, she will say, "I'm a model, a puppy, and a pig!"
The girls also stumbled upon this mask and took turns attempting to be scary aliens.

Halloween fun isn't just for kids!  Mommy took a drive up to visit Carm, Jim, and friends up in Moscow, Idaho.  It was a nice getaway from the kids for a couple days.

Enjoying my hot cocoa with my Moscow mom :)
My super creative mom took a surgical ensemble and transformed it in to a dalmation costume.  Just some black duct tape cut in to circles, some puppy dog ears, and I'm all puppified!

me and Cruella

a mountain climber, a Cruella Deville with her pup, and a reporter.  Sounds like a real party!

I heard being a vampire really sucks... but Billy was no pain in the neck!  This kid is pure awesome :)

Pretty sure there was more than just me in this pic... hard to tell with all the camouflage...

I don't even know where these costumes came from, but the girls had a blast trying them on and just being total cutie pies in them...

don't think Avril was too happy about having an extra head to hold up

... and here is my precious little lady bug girl!  :)
Here are a few pics of the girls before they went trick-or-treating with their dad.  Carm got them some pretty sweet costumes you couldn't help but melt at the adorableness factor.

Quack!  Quack!

This way, treat-givers!!

Pretty in pink, oink, oink!!

Jesse said he felt like Old Mac Donald with a quack quack here and an oink oink there!

Daddy daughter shot