Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Pic-Nac and Hike at Tony's Grove

Avril LOVES to have "pic-nacs," as she calls them.  Her favorite food to eat at pic-nacs is the watermelon.  We decided to take a trip up the canyon and go see all the pretty sights around Tony Grove Lake.  We hiked all the way around the lake.  Avril insisted on walking/running the whole way... nobody could believe she had that much energy.  She kept tripping on rocks and falling down, but popping right back up and continuing the journey round the lake.  It was an adventure!  I love watching Avril experience new things, especially being outdoors.  Its so fun to watch how much the girls love our little outings.

Its a drum, AND a yummy snack!
I love my cousin Brittney

Its Pic-Nac time!
Mother and Son

The people weren't the only ones who got to enjoy some food.  So did the "chickmonk!" -as Avril says :)
Let the hike begin!  Brittney and Avril lead the way :)

Love the beautiful outdoors.
Nana kept taking pics of the pretty flowers

Don't fall!
Brittney mastering her log-balancing skills
McKel and her Nana and Papa, all so happy :)

Look at all the colors of wildflowers
More pretty flowers