Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Sometimes we stick Avril in the sink for her bath... Mom!  Do you think I'm a baby?!  I'm a big girl!
 Actually, she is a tall, skinny girl!  We were just told that Avril is in the zero percentile for BMI.  Very tall, and very skinny... gotta start eating her veggies!!  She is such a picky eater, I really struggle to find foods that she'll eat.  She loves her sweets though.
One of the new cute things that Avril says, is, "for a big while!"  She adds that to anything she wants to do.  Frequently you will hear her say, "I want to go outside for a big while!"  "Mommy, lets go read the books for a big while."  It makes me laugh every single time :)
Avril's rapidly expanding vocabulary just astounds me.  The other night, Avril was analyzing her hands, and stated, "My hands are amazing!"  She keeps us laughing constantly.

Uncle JJ with his new motorcycle, hanging out with Av and McKel.  They love their uncle!
 McKel is just so stinkin cute all the time.  She is always all smiles.  She takes so many falls I don't know how she has not been to the hospital yet.  She just is completely fearless, and will try anything.  She is soooo close to walking.. any day now!  She loves to run her tongue back and forth over her bottom teeth, and of course loves to put everything in to her mouth.  She also can't get enough of her big sis, Avril.  She just laughs and laughs as she watches Avril entertain her.
I wonder if I can fit these rubber duckies in my mouth!

Mirror, Mirror, on the wall...

Who's the cutest of them all?

Need you even ask?

The girls enjoy sitting out on the porch with their Papa and reading the books.