Thursday, August 11, 2011

Happy Birthday Brittney!!

In celebration of Brittney's 14th birthday, we went out to eat at the Golden Corral, then spent the rest of the day at the Fair.  I am pretty sure the Fair was by far Avril's most favoritest thing she has ever done in her life.  She never stops talking about seeing all the animals at the fair, and riding the dragon ride with cousin Brittney, and mommy.

Jared and his old niece
The Patriarch and Matriarch
Wave to the camera!

Enjoying the delicious food!
the birthday girl :)
More chocolate covered strawberries, please?
Do I have anything on my mouth?

Brown is a good shade for Avril's lips, don't you think?

One of many modes of transportation for McKel

Give Mommy a kiss!
Avril loves her Nana

 Cache County Fair:
Avril's first ride on a horse.  His name was Spike :)
Nothing in the world cuter than puppies and babies
I'm not sure what happened to the goat's ears?  Avril was very observant and asked this question.  We didn't know the answer.

The birthday girl and her cousin, being eyed by a goat
Boc, Boc, Boc!  An award winning chicken!


One of the pigs escaped and was running around the fair grounds, being chased by a cowboy.  Avril looks in terror as the pig runs toward us...
That's a LOT of bacon!

Baa Baa White sheep, have you any wool?
Taking a cool dip in the canal.  This was one of the highlights of the day for Avril.

Mmmm... snowcone!


Avril's favorite thing in the whole world was this dragon ride.  She has not stopped talking about it since.
The Merry-Go-Round!

The Ferris Wheel :)

Avril laughed and laughed at how much fun these swings were!


Buckle up!

Put the pedal to the metal!  I'm outta here!