Sunday, April 24, 2011


The day before Easter we went to Jesse's Stampede Football game at Logan High. Here is the article from the local newspaper:

Posted: Sunday, April 24, 2011 12:30 am | Updated: 1:10 am, Sun Apr 24, 2011.

Stampede hold off Desperados By Tyler Huskinson The Herald Journal | 0 comments

After a rough start to the season dropping back-to-back games on the road, the Logan Stampede looked to the friendly confines of Crimson Field to pick up their first win of the season Saturday night.

Despite making several mental errors and giving the visiting Utah Valley Desperados several chances, the Stampede squeaked out their first victory of the season, 14-13.

"You always want to walk away with a victory," Stampede head coach Bracken Atkinson said. "We made it about as hard as we could tonight.

"This team was hungry. Both teams came in 0-2. The last time we faced off was in the championship game here two years ago. There was a lot riding on this game from a history standpoint, but we're just glad we made one more play than they did. It's nice to flip that after the last two games."

The Desperados struck first four minutes into the first quarter, but failed to convert on the extra point.

Less than two minutes later quarterback Mike Jenkins connected on a 37-yard strike to receiver Jesse Yarger to give the Stampede a 7-6 lead.

With the Desperados threatening, defensive back Aaron Dickler picked off the ball and returned it 35 yards.

"Defense stepped up," Stampede linebacker KC Winslow said. "Our defense is always good. We tweaked a couple of things this year to where we're rotating different guys in different guys in different situations."

The Stampede would respond with a drive that ended with a 2-yard touchdown run by Jenkins.

The Stampede would took a 14-6 lead into the locker room at halftime, but wouldn't be able to score any more points despite having several chances.

"The biggest difference between the first and second half was we came out really dictating tempo in the first half ... and caught them off guard, kind of wore them out a little bit," Atkinson said. "We just shot ourselves in the foot. We couldn't execute. We couldn't finish it in the end zone."

The problems getting in the end zone truly started right before the end of the second quarter.

The Stampede found themselves on their own 1-yard line and ended up failing to score at all. The Stampede incurred two consecutive illegal procedure penalties, and a completed pass from Jenkins to running back Dave Williams fell at 4-yards short of scoring.

"We definitely gotta get better at that," Winslow said of the penalties. "We had way too many. First and goal from a yard and half and end up not even getting in. How can we do that? We have these stupid penalties. We've gotta get into the mental."

Running back Roger Schatz caught a 5-yard pass to bring the Desperados within one.

The Stampede would shut down the Desperado offense for the remainder of the game, including putting a great amount of pressure on the quarterback.

"We're trying to get as much pressure and as much fresh bodies in there and put pressure on the quarterback, as you saw, he was running around all game long," WInslow said.

The Desperados mounted one final comeback drive the final minutes of the game. On fourth and 25 and with about 30 seconds remaining, the Stampede defense really came through.

"In that timeout that they had taken before we kind of put a little stunt in where Travis Davis and I twisted and he took three guys and they all followed him," Winslow said. "I just kind of forced him out to that side. Dale (Nicholas) stayed home and was right there to meet him for a huge loss."

The Stampede now take advantage of a bye week before preparing for the Magic Valley Bulldawgs.

"We've got a lot of injuries and people playing where they're not normally going to be playing," Atkinson said. "We'll take the weak off and recuperate and fix some of our issues."

At half time during the game, they had a special Easter egg hunt for the kids.  Here is Avril picking up her eggs:
It was FREEZING outside!  Avril found 7 eggs :)
The next day, Avril and McKel put on their Easter dresses and we went to church:
Can't always get a good one with everyone looking at the camera.
The girls :)
Avril with her Easter Basket.  She was so excited!!
Easter Egg Hunt at Grandma Joyce's house
So fun!
Happy Easter everyone!!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Such Talent

My cousins, the Muncy's were visiting from California.  It is always so fun to have them here because they are AMAZINGLY gifted musically.  I just love to hear them sing.  Here are a couple video clips of the boys messing around at the piano:

My cousin David just learned to play this song and figured it out by ear. I think that's so incredible. We didn't know the song that well, but gave it a good shot. I even sang along, although you can't hear me... I didn't know it too well. This is my new favorite song though. It goes through my head all day long haha.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Avril's First Hair Cut

This is what McKel got to do during hair time
She was so brave!
The hairdresser's daughter, Sunny played with Avril while mommy got her hair done.
The finished product.  It is hard to tell, but she just got the ends trimmed off.  She had sooo much fun!!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Church Dresses

So cute and so happy!

Avril loves to play with the kids at the nursery (only when Sister Joni is there though)

Saturday, April 16, 2011

6 Birthdays!!

Happy Birthday to Adrian, Arlene, Jared, Parker, Edison, and George Parkinson!  Yep, both my brothers (Jared and Adrian) as well as Adrian's wife, Arlene, were born on April 16th.  And today my aunt gave birth to 3 triplet boys:  Parker, Edison, and George!  So exciting!!

Email from Aunt Trish:
Parker is our single boy.  He weighed 3 lb. 4 oz. and I think he looks
like Kelly.  He has his feet and his coloring, but it's really hard to tell
from the photos.  I will send more as soon as they are not all hooked up to
all those monitors.  They were born at 10:29 - George, 10:30 - Edison, and
10:31 - Parker.  Love you!

Eddie weighed 2 lb. 4 oz. and has the best scores of all.  He screamed
louder than the other boys - probably just to tell them to move over and
watch out since he is the fighter of the bunch!  Eddie is the younger twin.
Trish's email:
WE HAVE TRIPLETS!  All are very healthy, happy and screaming.  We have 30
fingers and 30 toes; perfect little boys.  It's amazing to see how tiny they
are and so beautiful!  Georgie weighed 3 lb. 4 oz. and is the older twin.
More photos to come.  Love you all!
Can you believe it?!?!  Congratulations!!

Monday, April 11, 2011

McKel 4 Months

 Yesterday McKel turned 4 whole months old!  That's a third of a year!  She's growing too fast, just like Avril.  They both have the same time manipulation powers where time just speeds by.

A Daddy Daughter moment
I'm 4 Months!!
Today McKel had her 4 month check up.  McKel gave us a good laugh at the Dr.'s office.  After being checked out by Dr. Firth, Mommy picked up McKel and walked over to the mirror on the back of the door.  McKel then got a huge grin on her face and screamed out, "HI!"  Loud and clear!  Dr. Firth thought she was the smartest 4 month old he'd ever seen and we both got a good laugh out of it.  She was so good at her appointment.  She only cried a few seconds after her shots.  Everything looks fantastic except she does have very sensitive skin and has been clawing herself, as you can see by the scratch marks.  The Dr. prescribed some meds and had us buy some hypoallergenic soap, etc. so hopefully this will solve her skin problem.  McKel seems to still be mature beyond her years months.  Even the Dr. said she is moving and responding more like a 6 month old.  She seems like she has an old soul in a new body.  She just seems so wise and happy for a baby.  I can't wait to see her sweet personality continue to develop.  We love you McKel!

McKel's 4 month stats:
Height:  25.75 in:  94%
Weight:  12.31 lbs:  73%
Head Circumference:  16.5 in:  78%

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Just Kinda Cool...

Did you know about this?  I haven't thought of a useful purpose for this yet, but I still think its cool.  If you type in the name of a blog and then follow it by /view/mosaic you get a montage of all the pics.  Ex:

Also try:

You can do this with anyone's blog.  Pretty cool, eh?

Friday, April 8, 2011

Just For Laughs

I'm sure you have seen this video, since as of right now 14,591,380 people have.  But we can't get enough of it.  If you want a good laugh, check it out:

What We've Been Up To

Lots of updates...
So I hate getting behind on our blog because then it becomes not fun anymore.  I just get overwhelmed thinking about how much catching up I have to do... add that to the also overwhelming task of moving and organizing every item we own... and like 80 emails I haven't gone through... and I could go on and on.  Result: One exhausted mama.
And what's the deal with the weather?  Yesterday Jesse rode his scooter home in the blizzard and walked in the door looking like the abominable snowman.  He looked at me and said, "And this is why we are not going to live in Utah anymore."  Well, who knows?  We may be back... but I won't miss this part of the weather, that's for sure.
I am dying to get Avril and McKel outside in the sunshine to play.  We were even going to go to Baby Animal Days this year and that idea tanked due to the weather.  I keep getting small glimpses of hope that the sun will come out, but alas, I think the sun is just being a tease.
Here are a couple pics from one of the recent fair-weathered days:

Avril and her new friends playing in her bouncy bounce in the front yard.
One of the wonderful perks of staying with the parents is the close proximity to lots of kids... and most importantly, Jordan.  Avril is constantly asking for Jordan.  When she does not see him around, she will say, "Jordan had to go to work.  He had to make the monies."  Whenever somebody is not there, Avril assumes they are at work.  Whenever somebody is at work, they are making the monies.  Now Avril will grab a purse and open the front door saying, "Avril have to go to work.  Have to make the monies!"  It is hilarious :)

pretend sleeping
Pet deer
Another perk of our new residence are the pet deer.  This picture was taken right in the front yard.  They are frequent visitors to the yard which makes Nana very mad, since they love to eat all her plants.

Our next exciting news is that Jesse has started his third season with the Logan Stampede.  We rode down with Papa Bryan to the first pre-season game, which was in Roy.  The Stampede had a nice win and Jesse played one heck of a game.  We look forward to this time all year long (probably Jesse does most of all).  This year Avril is old enough that she can play and cheer on her daddy so she had the time of her life.  A little 8-year old girl named Destiny, who is one of the coaches daughters, befriended Avril at the game.  The two were inseparable.  I don't know if Avril has ever put out that much energy in one day playing.  After the game we were at McDonalds and she literally fell asleep eating her chicken mcnuggets!  Avril talks about her new friend Destiny nonstop.  She will say, "Destiny can play later.  Destiny at the football."  And every night after we finish her bedtime prayers she adds, "And please bless Destiny!"  It is the sweetest thing.  So hopefully Destiny will be at all the football games.  She makes a fun playmate and an amazing babysitter!
Here are some pics from the game:  (Somehow I forgot to take a picture of the main attraction:  Jesse!)  Sorry babe, I'll get some next game...

McKel all bundled up with her Papa Bryan
McKel was so content and happy the whole time.  She loves football already.
Avril sitting by her new friend Destiny.  She's soooooooo happy!!
One of the few pics I have of me and both my girls.  Aren't they adorable?
My Uncle Steven and Aunt Susan came up for a visit from California.  These are just a few pics of the family at Grandma and Grandpa's house.  It was so good to see them:
All the girls.  We had to put socks on McKel's hands because she keeps scratching her face.  Here she is sucking on her socks.  Ew, gross!  Avril keeps telling her not to.  Such a caring big sis.
I love this pic.  Such a typical McKel face.  She is always smiling.  Uncle JJ has been stopping by quite a bit and its always a special treat for the girls.  McKel loves her Uncle JJ.
McKel loves getting kisses!  Isn't this too precious?  I love it!
Aunt Susan and Uncle Steven, the California visitors
More family:  Spencer, Aunt Tracine, and Uncle Robert.  Baby McKel doses off in the background.
Goofy Spencer with his mom
Both McKel and Avril LOVE bathtime.  This was the first time we tried putting them in the tub together.  McKel kept on laughing.  I tried to get a little bit on video, it was so cute.
Just relaxin in the tub!
Ah, finally some peace and quiet.  I think I'll just sit and think pleasant thoughts.
Oh great... who invited her?  Say goodbye to peace and quiet!

And finally, some cute Avril quotes.  There are so many now I can't keep track!
  • When somebody is leaving, Avril will shout out:  "See you soon!  Alligator!"  Doesn't have quite the ring to it as See you later Alligator... but cute nonetheless.
  • While we were sitting at the table eating, Avril turned to my mom (Nana) and said, "You have big teeth."  I think this was inspired by hearing the Little Red Riding Hood story when she says to the wolf, "My, what big teeth you have."  :)
  • Avril is now basically potty trained.  Sort of.  We have to remember to take her to the potty every couple hours because she usually doesn't ask anymore.  Her favorite part is not getting the treat for going in the potty.  Nope, this little girl LOVES to flush the toilet.  She will shout out, "Bye bye pee pee!  Bye bye poo poo!"
  • If you are at a meal with Avril, you will most likely hear this quote:  "I don't like it, please!"  She is quite the picky eater and if she doesn't want something that is how she will tell you.  "I don't like it please!"  Too funny.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

GoodBye Home...

Finally we got everything all moved out of our house.  I am behind on updating the blog once again but moving is a really good excuse, right?  I took some pictures of Avril and McKel's room before we packed it all up, so I could remember how we decorated it.

The new family moved in the beginning of April and the girls and I went to go meet them.  Poor Avril was so confused when a stranger opened the door to her home.  She was so sad the whole time, especially when she saw that her room was different and there were other little kids there.  The new little girl, Kali, was so sweet though, she tried to share her teddy bear with Avril to make her feel better.  Avril and McKel are adjusting just great to staying at Nana and Papa's house.  I do worry about what will happen when we're so far away, in Alabama though...

I miss our home already.  We have so many fun memories there.  Most of Avril's life thus far has been spent there.  It makes me sad to say good bye.  Soon we'll make new memories in a new place, on a new adventure though... and let someone else make special memories of their own in that blessed home. 

This is Avril's big girl bed.  The sheets and quilt were made by a joint effort between Nana and Mommy.  Nana did most of the sewing, while Mommy picked out and bought the fabric and cut out the pieces.  I think it turned out just perfect!

A close up of the rag quilt
We got the girls matching cribs.  McKel never actually got to sleep in her crib... we've just been using the bassinet so far, but it sure does look cute!
McKel's crib
Avril's bed again
Changing area
And the rocking chair that I'm in love with